For those of you who are travelers or foreigners who are curious this is what fellowship with believers looks like on a Sunday morning in Qingdao, China. There is only one church for foreigners to congregate in this beautiful city. Chinese residents are not allowed to attend. Below is a sign that a person from America isn’t accustomed to. Count your blessings when you are free to express your religious beliefs.
The church service is held in a conference room of a grand hotel. It smells amazing in there, no Chinese smells. Soak it in. The Church smells good! =)

An eclectic worship band; the members are from all over the world, except the United States. The worship was led by a German man and his wife who teach preschoolers at the International School. It came out in their worship! =)
The whole church is ran by volunteers. There are no pastors but elders. The sermons are given by various volunteers. Following church Denny and I were treated to lunch with the other couple that arrived as newcomers. Thank you International Christian Fellowship for your welcoming committee.
The interesting thing about this church is that all denominations are gathered under Jesus Christ because there is only one church allowed in Qingdao. This church is forced to focus on the most important foundations of Christianity, the gospel, and not the laws man has created along the way. The worship and sermon demonstrate this belief, it makes for an interesting experience. Praise the Lord His presence can be felt over the whole vastness of the earth and that He promises to be present when two or more are gathered. It was a blessing to see one of the band members fall to her knees during worship with childlike faith and in awe of her Father. Praise God that His character never changes no matter what country’s soil I reside on.