While living in China as an expat I observe a lot of retirees (the elderly) taking care of their grandchildren. I learned recently that the Chinese are force to retire in their 50’s which brings a cultural expectation that their children will care for them. As a 20 something year old this has brought me to some thinking on this issue, “Should adult children take care of their elderly parents?” Below are some facts to get your mind rolling.
5 Common Stages After Retirement
1) The Honeymoon Phase
After someone retires it’s normal to experience liberation. People react in a few ways, some get a part time job and others fully jump into their passions. Some people even take the time to reinvent themselves.
2) Relax or Be Thrilled
It was reported that 73% of Americans say travel is the No. 1 thing they want to do. Some people after retirement slow down and relax, while others travel and seek adventure.
3) Transition
The newness wears off within 2-15 years after someone retires and they realize they don’t know what to do with their time. Some downsize their life (home and car) and usually move to warmer climates (but this can add to the loneliness factor).
4) Growing Pains
From all the transitions people in retirement experience new feelings: emptiness, uselessness and/or boredom.
5) Reflection & Health
Years after retiring their health declines and they see friends die.
3 Healthy Tips To Take After Retirement
-Maintain your interest, mental and physical body
-Provide support to your children and family
-Give wisdom where there is a need
A Solution to a Happier Retirement?
This brings us to this question, “Should I have my elderly parents live with me?” Does the Chinese culture have it right, adult children should take care of their elderly parents? To address some of the shortcomings of the later years from being retired it does make sense for the elderly to live with their children as a solution. Maybe the solution is for the parents to move in with their adult child and help with raising their grandchildren. Children certainly give people purpose and keep them young. What if it’s that simple, helping with the child rearing of their grandchildren is the solution for the elderly to be happy? If you are a retiree, whether you agree with this solution, a wise question to ask yourself is, “Who or where will you invest your time?” I am not saying I have my mind made up, but I am exploring the issue. What is the right thing to do? What are Christians called to do?
Should or do you want to take care of your elderly parents? Why or why not?
10,000 Smiles
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