on the
10,000 Smiles Project
(Counting this post there is 5,000 Smiles in the 10,000 Smiles Project.)
Some Highlights thus far….
The 10,000 Smiles Project is bigger than me, people are being impacted. On my project I sometimes come across people who think they aren’t beautiful and even if I can’t convince them that I think they are, I pray that one seed is planted to change their heart and eyes. I am not sure how my project will be influenced when I come back home to the States, but in China the project challenges the Chinese people to get out of their comfort zones too. The Chinese in general can be very shy in front of the camera. It sometimes takes a few pictures to get a genuine smile. I am so thankful for the people I have met and how my photography skills have improved through the progress of the project.
You can learn more here about why I started the 10,000 Smiles Project.
The 10,000 Smiles Project is the biggest project and hobby I have ever pursued. This post is proof to myself that I can dream big. If I can do it, you can too. What is a dream that you have for this year? It’s July, are you still checking and modifying your goals for the year 2013? Write it out in the comment box below, I would love to know. What are you afraid of in life? Go to this site (What would you do if you weren’t afraid?) fill out what you are scared of and go do that fear. Face your fear…I am. =) We can do it together. Look and be inspired; hard work pays off (A two year photography project of the fog filling the San Francisco bridge).
You can get connected to the 10,000 Smiles Project in 3 Ways:
1) Type your email to get notifications for each post (located on the left sidebar )
2) “Like” the 10,000 Smiles Facebook page (where I also host my photography portfolio)
3) Follow me on Instagram (aprilmaura) where you can see pictures and videos of what it’s like living in China as an expat.
I hope the passage below brings you some type of encouragement wherever you are at in life.
Thank you for voting for your favorite smiles and for all your comments of encouragement.
I am in China for two more months. Do you have any questions you would like me to address about China? What would you like to learn about happiness or topics surrounding that topic? I would love to make your reading experience better. Any suggestions, feedback or ideas would be appreciated.
Remember to give the gift of smiles to your co-workers, friends/family and strangers today!
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