Who is inspiring to you? What is it that makes them inspirational to you? Inspiration is running ramped in my veins. Have you ever read or watched a film that gave you a dose of creativity or a drive to want to make an impact in this world? I love those types of mediums that give you hope that you too, whoever you are, are starting in the same place George Washington or Steve Jobs started. Remind yourself, “I will make a difference.” We have one short life on this earth. Some scientist and writers would say our time is as short as vapor, super quick in the span of “time”. We all make a difference. It can be positive or negative, on a large or small scale but the point is is that we all make a difference.
We have friends visiting us from college in Qingdao, China. All four of us were piled in an AC conditioned taxi protected from the dense summer’s humidity. There were three of us in the back seat occasionally watching this mini television screen wrapped to the back of a passenger’s seat. In one moment I witnessed the death of a crab. The chef literally ripped the crab’s body in half with their bare hands while it was ALIVE. AH…….I was flabbergasted. My mortification led to Becky, our friend, relating that’s how they cook that type of seafood because she had seen the movie called Julie and Julia. She thought I would enjoy the movie and I did. It was an inspirational film that I want to share with you.
If you haven’t seen the film I recommend that after this post you go buy the movie at Target or rent the film from a RedBox (if they carry it). The movie is based off of two real characters, Julia Childs and Julie Powell. Have you heard of Julia Childs? Neither had I until this film. You can watch the official trailer here.
Julia Childs was an American who made a cookbook for Americans of French cuisine. Julia was just like you and I, a person looking for a passion that she was good at. She later did a cooking television show.
Two of my favorite quotes from Julia Childs:
“Learn how to cook — try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless and above all have fun.”
Try cooking one of her recipes.
You can follow a Julia Childs Pinterest board here.
Julie Powell blogged about making 524 recipes from Julia Childs’ cookbook in one year . In the movie it said this was her first project she had completed. Julia Child’s did not support her project. You can learn more of why here.
This is the plot of the movie but it’s so much more. It’s the journey of striving individuals that will envelop you.
The Truth Behind Success
Julie’s drive for cooking and writing on her blog was something I could relate on with my aprilmaura blog and my 10,000 Smiles Project. In the movie they do an excellent job of not “buttery” up Hollywood glamour. Making a difference in this world is hard work and not for the faint in heart. There are definitely episodes of fits, whether it’s outer (tantrums) or internal battles. The movie did an excellent job portraying the stages it takes to becoming successful.
You can visit Julia Childs Smithsonian museum if you are interested in learning more about her.
Here are some questions that are swimming around in my mind that I would love to hear your thoughts on:
*Who is inspirational to you? and why?
*How and what do successful people do to get where they are at? What’s the secret? Can we all get to that point if we want it?
*Do you want to make a difference in a large sense? or locally? (and how?) [You already know my answer, globally with my 10,000 Smiles Project. I want the world to share the joys and gifts that smiles bring. Now it’s your turn. I want to hear from you.]
Here is my project:
10,000 Smiles
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