I don’t want the 9-5 job or to feel tired and bored with the same happenings each week.
“What’s new in your life?”
“Same old, same old. There’s nothing new.”
Maybe that response is adequate for you but I want to dream bigger. I want to say I spent the day drinking a fresh coconut on the beaches of Thailand while I was working or today I took my children to explore the histories of China firsthand for their education. I want to be uncomfortable, have flexible hours and space to be creative. I want to live the life I was given in my twenties and not have to wait till I am an old fart. We don’t have to wait to live and enjoy adventures; we can if we desire it, live a location independent life anywhere in the world. The question is how do you do this? Well fortunate for us young Millennial Generation we grew up in the digital age where the internet has given us freedom to leave the cubicles and do work anywhere in the world.
This year is about Denny and I breaking out of the rat race. Denny is going to build his internet coffee business and I am going to share people’s stories through my business, 10,000 Smiles Photography. The biggest reason we came back to the states was for some health reasons, but after some 21st century care this family is hitting the road less traveled, traveling the world through a digital nomad career.
Below I listed inspiring resources on how you too can lead the digital unconventional life that will free you up to do what you want to do.
7 Inspiring Free Resources
1) Watch this intro documentary video on how our generation is changing: Wireless Generation
2) The biggest lesson I have learned this past year is that our time is limited. Read about some points you might not know. 20 Things 20 Year Olds Don’t Get
3) Be inspired by these people on why you should work from your laptop. 10 Of The Most Inspiring Websites For Aspiring Digital Nomads
4) Universities don’t typically teach you how to create your own business but on how to be a worker. Read about 13 lessons on how to get self-employed. Living Self-Employed Online: The Manuel They Forgot to Give You
5) Denny and I experience an independent lifestyle this past year teaching English in China. I hope and aspire for my photography business to give me freedom and Denny likewise is breaking the ice with launching his coffee internet based business. It’s all about dream-lining and executing those dreams. 25 Career Ideas to Design Your Location Independent Lifestyle
6) I have learned that when people say they dream of traveling the world what they really mean is that they like the idea of it or a fairytale resort type of vacation. When I think of traveling the world I think of driving a Hummer or living out of a backpack living on peoples couches or at hostels. Or I think of living in a foreign country for about 3 months with Arizona being my home base. I don’t want my opportunity of traveling to be limited to my checkbook. I am willing to sacrifice some comforts. It’s from my backpacking adventures that I have learned that there is no excuse for anyone to not fulfill their dream of traveling the world. My favorite memorable couple I met were some Canadians who pick cherries and other fruits in season. Read about some possible careers you could do. 45 Great Jobs You Can Do While Traveling The World And How To Get Them
7) The benefit from working from your computer is having freedom to live your life the way you want to. 12 Tips for Creating a Freedom Business That Will Allow You To Travel The World
5 Reasons on Why I want a Nomad Career
1) I can set the pace of the life I want to lead.I want the time to take care of my values. I value my health. Typical American jobs give workers stress, hating work/life, depression, loneliness and many more health issues.
2) I want time with my children, family and friends. I want the freedom to know my nieces and nephews in another state by having the time to travel. I want my husband and I to see our children grow. I don’t want my only time to see friends to be on the weekends.
3) I want the freedom to work on my terms and conditions. I don’t want to feel overworked. I want to work the hours I want and work with the people I want to work with. (aka, be my own boss.)
4) I want freedom and flexibility while I am young. I want the ability to take mini vacations and not wait till I am old and grey. Who says I have to retire? We were design to work. What if I could find occupations I am passionate about while still leading the lifestyle I want to lead? “88% of employees say they have a hard time juggling work and life” (source)
The other evening I was discussing with my aunt how being an educator doesn’t align with the lifestyle I want to lead. I was saying during my student teaching I was punching 60 hours a week and thus having no time for my health, friends or family. Teaching was my life. It was stressful juggling my work and life and I was only in my 20’s. That is wrong. I don’t want my occupation to be my life.
5) My dream is to travel the world. I want to visit the places I see pictures of on the internet. I want to grow as a person and the fastest way to speed the process of growth is putting yourself out of your comfort zone. A digital business will allow my family and I to travel to all the parts of the globe we desire.
1 place to visit
1 thing to do before you die (a memory of a lifetime)
1 thing to do daily
1 thing to do weekly
1 thing you’ve always wanted to learn”
The secret on how to be awesome:
“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” ~ Ayn Rand
Have you thought of being your own boss? Does a digital nomad career sound like something you would be interested in pursuing? Why or why not?
10,000 Smiles
10,000 Smiles is a photography project that I am doing for the year 2013. Read more about why I am doing this project.
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