Dear Readers,
If you are a frequent visitor on 10,000 Smiles you might have noticed this past week I haven’t regularly posted. Life has been chaotic. I thank you for your grace and your frequent checking on this blog.
We drove from Illinois to Arizona, our car died and we bought another car. We were in AZ for less than 3 days and turned around and sat in the car again to Ventura, CA for my oldest cousin’s wedding.
Seeing my mom for the first time in over a year.
We of course visited Intelligentsia while we were there in L.A. Let’s just say I don’t want to be in a car unless I necessarily have to. The wedding was another reason I didn’t give this blog attention. The quick reunion with my dad’s side of the family was truly rejuvenating. Stay tune for pictures.
If you are new, welcome!!!! I hope that this place in the web-ospehere will bring you cheer. Stick around and browse pictures of smiling faces. To give you a little background about where I am coming from: my husband Denny and I worked in China for a year teaching English and are now back transitioning into the American culture and our AZ home. For the last year we rented our main home off of Airbmb. With that said, a home takes maintenance and we have a lot of it. YEAH!!!!! The newest obstacle is the pumping. Our kitchen is basically SunSplash (a not so fun water theme park). I want to publicly announce that I am so thankful for Denny. He is the jack-of-all-trades and is working so hard trying to fix things around the house.
Another fun recent hurdle is that my Apple computer isn’t working for some reason. Please pray that it can be fixed. It’s been 4 days and now I am resorting to using Denny’s. I have been trying to hold off on posting because I can’t give you edited pictures. Maybe these post will have to be simpler until then. Hold in there! =)
Things are breaking/were broken and I am just now on my 2nd day in AZ settling in and hoping for a routine. Lots to do.
If you are in a season of routine enjoy it!
On another cheery note, doesn’t this woman’s smile brighten your day!
10,000 Smiles
10,000 Smiles is a photography project that I am doing for the year 2013. Read more about why I am doing this project.
These are children smiling from our trip to Beijing,China.
Most of these smiles in this batch were taken at the Forbidden City.
I love the 3 pictures in the bottom series in this collage. Each face is so different.
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