“You’re my little princess.”
“You’re a loser, can’t you do anything right?”
“You’re so caring, you are really good at taking the initiative when you see something that needs care.”
“You’re stupid. You’re so disorganized and messy. You lose everything I buy you.”
“You’re really helpful to your mother in the kitchen. We appreciate it.”
We’re any of the above statements or similar statements said to you as a child? Were your parents generally building you up or tearing you down? Parents should be their children’s biggest cheerleaders.
Encouragement and discouragement work like this: everyone starts off with a piece of paper. Every time a person discourages a person that piece of paper is torn. It takes about 3 positive encouragements to add that paper. Now because that paper was torn, that added paper was taped or maybe glued, but there is still a mark left of that discouragement. Parents build your children with a healthy foundation of encouragement.
3 Guidelines on How to Be a Parent Cheerleader
Whether you are a parent that encourages their child/children or are a parent that wasn’t raised in a healthy environment here are some guidelines that help foster a healthy environment for a child:
1) Notice what your child does well and tell them.
2) If your child does something wrong ask yourself, “Are they physically or mentally able to accomplish that task?” “Has someone taught them how?” If no, teach them when they are at an appropriate age.
3) If your child does something wrong whether it’s intentional or not, take the child aside and discuss the matter in private. When a parent corrects or punishes a child in front of other people they are shaming (embarrassing) the child which in turn does more harm.
Love your children that you are blessed with more encouragement. What other helpful ideas do you have that nurture a healthy encouraging environment?
10,000 Smiles
10,000 Smiles is a photography project that I am doing for the year 2013. Read more about why I am doing this project. You can vote for the picture that makes you smile by listing the number of the picture in the comment box at the end of the post.
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