Truth for the day, Jesus has given you glory. This truth astounded me and I wanted to ponder the word “glory”. In the dictionary glory means: to give great honor/praise, to rejoice proudly, to have admiration, and to give fame.
Wow, that’s drives my butterflies bonkers. The creator of all things beautiful: light spilling shadows on everyday objects, colors having many wondrous hues ( think of a summer sunset), giant oaks coming from a minuscule seed or multitudes of trillions of little particles of H2O carving the Grand Canyon; He takes glory in me and you. I feel so valued. Remember this truth when your hard on yourself and Satan is feeding you lies. Jesus rejoices in you and honors you. He thought you were worth dying for and He still thinks of you every second.
For further reading: John 17:20-23. Jesus is or can be in you!