I know my project is all about smiles, happy quotes and that jazz but it’s also about bringing other people joy and smiles. You and me can make a difference in this world. Help another person smile by being a voice for them. We need to rescue the prisoners in North Korea. Not doing anything says we don’t care. We should care, human life matters.
The Truth About North Korea
-About 250,000 people are prisoners in these death camps and it’s growing
-Over 400,000 people have died in these camps
-40% of the prisoners die from malnutrition
-The average work day, even if your a woman or child, is 16 hours
-3 generations of a family are imprisoned at a time
-The camps are similar to Hitler’s concentration camps
-Unlike Hitler’s camps, the prisoners are tortured a lifetime and worked to death (hear a personal account and more details)
Statistics gathered from the Relevant Magazine.
You Can Make a Difference Today
Learn about this issue
Take action: write the USA and world leaders on why the human rights in North Korea matter (Click here to email the White House directly.)
Donate: support the relief of North Korean refugees
You have the power to make a person smile today. If you want change then you have to voice it.
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