“My generation is lonely and seemingly hopeless. Just consider the statistics: antidepressant prescriptions have gone up 400% in a little over 20 years.” Mark Driscoll
I Will Choose To Have HOPE
Depression and loneliness are two types of struggles our generation is battling. Sometimes depression is medical and the other times it’s a mindset. What I am about to say applies to people who don’t chemically battle depression but with their thoughts.
If you are feeling depressed or lonely, you can change that. You have the power to choose to be happy today. You make the choice to recognize the positive attributes in your life. You can choose to reach out to people and design your life schedule to make it easier to connect with others.These are all choices and you have the control to plan what kind of life you want to live. You can be depressed, negative, lonely or choose the later: happy, thankful and connected. Each day is a new day, you can change the course you are on in this life.
5 Ideas on How to Fight Loneliness:
1) Be a friend to someone, ask them to tea/coffee/ lunch and listen to them. Pray and be a trustful reliable understanding friend. Be authentic and real with safe people.
2) Watch less television and spend that time connecting with people.
3) Have more family/friend dinners and picnics.
4) Connect with your neighbors.
5) Volunteer in your local community.
What do you do or recommend for people on how to be connected?
Below are pictures for the
10,000 Smiles 2013 Project
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