For Couples

The Truth About Real and Lasting Change

The Truth About Real and Lasting Change

Commitment 2: We will make growth and change our daily agenda.  You have heard of Fixer Upper before right? Maybe it doesn't have to be Fixer Upper you watch, but any "flipping house," TV show that tells the same storyline. An old, neglected, worn out house is pursued...

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Are You In Debt?

Are You In Debt?

Have you ever felt the overwhelming feeling of being in financial debt? Have you experienced that constant heavy burden hanging on your shoulders? It's like you know it's there and you know how much you're going to have to work to make it go away. What if that debt...

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Can Confession Be Grace-Filled?

Can Confession Be Grace-Filled?

Commitment 1: We will give ourselves to a regular lifestyle of confession and forgiveness. We are going to head straight into the commitments Paul Tripp maps out for us through the book. The commitments will be broken down into two separate chapters inviting us to dig...

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A Wonderful Window

A Wonderful Window

From the outside, marriage can appear great but then in the very core of us, there are these whispers of  "I never thought this and this would happen to us." Such as: Not expecting to get fired, or never thinking you'd be having the communication issues your marriage...

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Prepared Spontaneity

Prepared Spontaneity

"It's almost as though the potential husband and wife are motivated not to hear the truth about what they will inevitably face, because they don't want anything to mess up the unfettered affection that has left them in a virtual romantic delirium." - Paul David Tripp...

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The Unexpected Expectations

The Unexpected Expectations

Enter...Expectations "I had no idea this is what would happen." "This is the last situation I expected to be in." Are these quotes all too similar to you? They sure are to me. From the moment we got engaged, I had a number of expectations I put on marriage that I had...

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Last But Not Least…

Last But Not Least…

We are at the final love language. We have already touched on the first four: quality time, words of affirmation, receiving gifts, physical touch. The last and final love language we have left to discuss is acts of service. This love language demonstrates love in a...

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Receiving Gifts and Physical Touch

Receiving Gifts and Physical Touch

Before we move on into our Love Language Marriage series, we want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas. We hope you are enjoying this sweet season of time with family and friends as we celebrate the true gift of life. In the spirit of Christmas, giving and receiving...

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Affirmation and Time

Affirmation and Time

We are going through the book, The Five Love Languages. Two weeks ago I introduced our April Maura Marriage "Short" Series about this book. Gary Chapman has been a well-respected author and speaker who has a heart for marriages. Over the years he has provided couples...

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