
Can Confession Be Grace-Filled?

Can Confession Be Grace-Filled?

Commitment 1: We will give ourselves to a regular lifestyle of confession and forgiveness. We are going to head straight into the commitments Paul Tripp maps out for us through the book. The commitments will be broken down into two separate chapters inviting us to dig...

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A Wonderful Window

A Wonderful Window

From the outside, marriage can appear great but then in the very core of us, there are these whispers of  "I never thought this and this would happen to us." Such as: Not expecting to get fired, or never thinking you'd be having the communication issues your marriage...

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Papago Park Engagement: Gregg + Kay

Papago Park Engagement: Gregg + Kay

It is September 18. Their anniversary. She takes her time to make sure her hair is properly done the way she hoped as he finished the final twists and turns of his attire. They decide to celebrate with a meal at the Marriott Tempe at the Buttes. They walk into the...

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Prepared Spontaneity

Prepared Spontaneity

"It's almost as though the potential husband and wife are motivated not to hear the truth about what they will inevitably face, because they don't want anything to mess up the unfettered affection that has left them in a virtual romantic delirium." - Paul David Tripp...

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Seasonal St. Louis Engagement Shoot Locations

Seasonal St. Louis Engagement Shoot Locations

Their hands are closely knit together while they take steps towards the path ahead. When they aren't looking at each other, they are gazing at the wild golden wheat field sitting at their feet. During their stroll, they have times when neither say a word and just soak...

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Best St. Louis Venues for a Garden Wedding

Best St. Louis Venues for a Garden Wedding

  While the sun is dancing with light and the blue skies are as clear as could be, the flowers all around start to sing with vibrant colors and abundant smells. Spring is in the air in St. Louis and so is love. Sniffles are like the pin needle dropping in the...

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