Tuesday Nannying: A packed full day:
1)Making Pineapple plants 2) Blueberry, Peanut Butter, Banana Muffins 3) Fruity Sword 4) Step Sculpt class 5) Bacon Mushroom Sandwiches
At breakfast they had a pineapple in their smoothie. I made a remark that my dad had once planted a pineapple, the kind you get from the grocery store. My boss’s eyes lit up. She commented it would be a good project for the kids. I went online and found the steps on how to grow a pineapple. Read the link below for further information.
Cooking highlight of the day, think of bushes…..from sweet blueberries. Think of sticky gooey peanut butter and yellow sun bananas that hang from tropical trees. All of these ingredients were mixed in a batch of homemade blueberry muffins. They were yummy. A recipe similar to the one we did today was found on this site (the recipe is below) : http://amateurnutritionist.blogspot.com/2010/04/peanut-butter-banana-blueberry-muffins.html

A photo from The Broken Spatula Blog. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the yummy goodness.
Peanut Butter & Banana Blueberry Muffins
-2 large overripe bananas
-6 oz. plain greek yogurt
-1/2 cup peanut butter
-1 medium egg
-1 teaspoon vanilla
-1/3 cup granulated sugar
-1 cup whole wheat flour
-3/4 cup all-purpose flour
-1/4 cup milled flax
-dash of cinnamon
-1 teaspoon baking soda
-1 cup frozen blueberries
Fruity Swords
Hey mothers or healthy people! If you want an easy, FUN recipe, get some stick kabobs and put an assortment of fruit. The children loved it. Of course there was a moment in time during lunch fruit kabobs the boys (I nanny) morphed the kabob sticks into table swords. My mind immediately thought, “Hey, when I was a young girl I didn’t do that”. This moment just proves boys are eager for action.
One of older boys was teasing his youngest brothers about being short. The mother pointed out the younger boy was in the 50% tile while he was in the 10% tile and that one day his brother might treat him the same way. What I appreciated was the truth she spoke into this situation. She told the older son that God made him exactly the way He wanted and that included his height.
In Christian circles you hear God loves you and that He thinks your beautiful. It was cool for me to hear this truth because I saw it being applied in a daily life circumstance.
What attribute, if any, bothers you about yourself? Ask God for His eyes in that area.
After nannying and tutoring: To all those to new year resolutions I signed up for a gym membership to LA Fitness. I patted to myself on the back today for going to a Step Sculpt class. I don’t think the Lord blessed me with coordination. It takes my body a little longer to respond to what I see. The class was interesting and made me realize there is more to a stepping class than the basic right foot left foot and then down. There is the V, V-off, curb, dancing (meringue) diagonals and the rocking horse. What classes have you taken recently and what did you learn? I would love some recommendations or just to learn from my viewers. Please leave your responses in the comment box below.
So…..away from nannying, this evening in my cozy apt home while my husband and I sit down to a healthy Portobello Bacon Sandwich we hear shouts outside and doors slamming. This was my first time feeling threatened at my home. My husband to the rescue ran to defend a woman. We don’t completely understand the situation but a man was shouting to his wife (who lived on the 2nd floor). She was screaming, “You got my purse. You stole my purse.” My husband tells the husband, “Be a man” and something about respecting her. Neither the wife or husband lived in our apartments. The wife was visiting our neighbor. The husband called the cops. The cops came and my husband informed them. An event that sounds like a television episode but was more of a disturbance to my safety from my home.
The Portobello Bacon Sandwich meal enjoyed after the event.
I alter the recipe a little from the original at this site: http://www.paleoplan.com/2010/01-04/portobello-sandwiches/
- 4 portobello mushroom caps
- 1/4 cup almond or cashew butter (I used olive oil)
- 1/4 lb deli meat or cooked bacon
- 1 large tomato, sliced
- handful of spinach or arugula
- 1 avocado, sliced
- 1/4 sweet yellow onion, sliced
Directions: 1) slice avocado, tomato, and onion 2) saute onions and mushroom caps 3) broil bacon for 7minutes 4) make the sandwich and enjoy the beauty of what you created
Enjoy your weekend!!!!!