My husband and I are in the beginning process of moving to China to teach English. We have a house full of stuff and would be gone a year renting our home to someone else. That means we need to fit only the important necessary items in a closet size unit in our house garage.
How to become STUFF FREE:
The 1st step-
Selling books on Amazon.
This is the book shelf we started listing from.
My husband printed the bought UPS package stamps from offline.
To save money I taped the packages up with paper. It took a long time, I recommend yellow envelopes. (A Close up)
The 2nd step-
Selling handmade necklaces on Etsy. Here are the necklaces I am selling. They can be purchased on Etsy. pictures below were taken by me. I spent the afternoon with a friend who let me use her as a model for my necklaces.
Readers: My husband and I have about a month to sell all our belongings. If you have creative ideas or ways you have sold belongings please leave a comment in the box below. Thanks.
Lots of prayers are needed for this new adventure we are soon embarking on.