The Wise are Smiling
Two men are talking about the Egyptian Pharaohs and one is calling all of them liars. The other man says, “I accuse only the first. The rest were simply repeating the story they were taught. Old lies are passed along, not by new liars, but by new fools.”
Orson Scott Card in the book “Sarah Woman of Genesis”
This quote reminded me that our societies feed us lies and it is our responsibility to feed yourself the truth (NOT the government, your parents, the schools…it’s yours.) Take an active role in gathering wisdom that will enrich your life. We have three main entities that cover our life: mind, body and soul.
It is our responsibility to feed ourselves with truth and seek wisdom. Books are very enriching. I highly recommend: Boundaries, Released from Shame, and The Happiness Project. What books do you recommend and why?
You are what you eat. I have discovered eliminating GMO wheat from my diet has made my body happier. Read Wheat Belly to learn what the wheat today does to your body.
Reading my bible, spending time with God, talking to God and spending time with other believers is all helpful spiritual food.
I know I still have lots to learn but the best way to not be a fool is to educate ourselves to figure out what is the truth. Are you seeking for answers? Ask yourself, “am I a liar, fool or wise person?” You get to choose.
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