Our Arizona State University International Student from Japan: Kohei

Fuji 400 Film

Since my hubby, Denny, and I lived abroad in China and hosted CouchSurfers…got the world experience, we came back to the States wanting to foster community within and from our home. We housed a couple Americans but then felt led to open our home to Arizona State University (ASU) International Students. We have had students from Japan, Saudi Arabia and Mauritania, Africa.  From each student we have learned so much more about the world around us and have seen the beauties that each culture brings. I wanted to share with you one of our most recent students, Kohei, who is visiting us from Japan and his experience thus far in the USA. (Note he has been here for about a month.) 

10 Questions to Ask Your International Student:

1) What is your favorite thing about the United States?

“American people are very friendly and kind.”

2) What is your favorite American food?


3) What is your favorite Japanese food?

Yakiniku, Japanese term which mean grilled meat”.

4) What are some differences between Japan and the United States?

“Though America is made up of people from many different countries, Japan is overwhelmingly Japanese.” Also, “No tipping Japan” (In Japan there is no expectation of tipping waitresses or waiters.)

5) What about Japan do you think will surprise an American?

“When you sneeze Japanese don’t really say anything. In Japanese culture there’s no equivalent of ‘bless you'”

6) What is your favorite thing you have seen thus far in the USA?

“America people always say to me ‘have a good day’ with smiling.”

7) What have you seen in the USA that you think is strange?

“Many American don’t take a bath.” (Note it is common for Japanese to bath instead of shower.)

8) What do you like to do during your free time?

“Doing sports, hiking, bike trip, traveling” (Kohei is also a champion at Badminton.)

9) What is your favorite English phrase?

“No pain, no gain.”

10) What do you miss about Japan?

“JAPANESE FOOD!!!” Kohei I can completely relate; I missed American food while living in China. Denny and I would treat ourselves to an American hamburger every Monday.

Fuji 400 Film

On Kohei’s free time he loves to take digital photos. This Spring Kohei will be a full time student at ASU for an Economic degree. Denny and I are excited to do life with Kohei this Fall and see how he grows living in a foreign country.

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