Photos 462-504
A wise woman, Ann Voskamp said to”…give thanks for the meager and the unlikely”.
If we are thankful with the little we are given than how much more joy will we have when something extraordinary happens? Focus on what you have and the positives that hardships bring. When you do that that is when you will truly experience happiness. And fortunately in those joyous moments fireworks of smiles tend to follow.
Reflection Questions: Write in your journal or mentally
1) Name three modest things you are thankful for today or from yesterday.
For example, I am thankful for meeting a Chinese photographer yesterday who had an awesomely long grey hipster beard. I took his picture and he took mine. His beard really made me smile.
2) Name one hardship that you are thankful for because of what you learned or how it is stretching you.
When we reflect on what we have and what we appreciate, happiness is prone to follow. Don’t forget to smile and vote on your favorite smile for Day 12.
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