
Top Engagement Ring Styles for 2016

Top Engagement Ring Styles for 2016

Sweet and delightful, prism of light bursting through, sparkly and delicate. Engagement rings are all together meaningful and beautiful. A ring that symbolizes a eternity of love and commitment to one person.  A lot of thought and care goes into choosing the one ring...

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Unveiling the Great Secret of Marriage

Unveiling the Great Secret of Marriage

As we wrap up the final three highlights from the first chapter, “The Secret of Marriage,” the actual secret of marriage is finally revealed. While reading and reflecting, so many thoughts came to mind about how important the foundation we build our marriage on is....

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5 Benefits to Having an Unplugged Ceremony

5 Benefits to Having an Unplugged Ceremony

Your wedding ceremony is a once in a lifetime moment that can either be put out for the whole world to see, or it be a moment of intimacy. Of course, there are benefits on both sides, but to have your ceremony completely unbothered by any distractions is...

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How to be the Ultimate Maid-of-Honor

How to be the Ultimate Maid-of-Honor

"Will you be my Maid-of-Honor?" If you are asked this question, then you know what a privilege it is to say "yes" and to be able to stand side-by-side to your best friend on her wedding day. However, being a Maid-of-Honor is not only standing side-by-side to your...

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Searching for the Secret of Marriage

Searching for the Secret of Marriage

Introduction to The Meaning of Marriage Series The overall concept of the series is to encourage and help marriages flourish into all that marriage has been originally designed for. Tim Keller addresses in his book, The Meaning of Marriage, the original design and...

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