Wintry: Wear a Hand Warmer Pillow

Night markets are bountiful, they are as numerous as Starbucks in New York City.

The dog,”Please pet me”. The dogs in China respond to Chinese, who knew?

The picture below is what authentic China looks like.

Now for the big introduction….drum roll please- Chinese hand warm pillows (Zhong(1)guo(2) Shou(3)wu(3)). They were created a few years ago. Some of the Chinese people literally sit at home curled up on a couch wearing these animated pillows. The question I posed to my Chinese friend, “What does one do when they want to work on the computer?”

In the Chinese culture they have a lot of places with the name “Happy” in it. A Chinese acquaintance had commented to me that she was happy most of the time. If she was sad it was only for a few hours. Happiness is a stressed emotion in China. These pillows must be one of the reasons why Chinese people are so happy. They surround themselves with objects that make them smile.

Real men wear pillows.

We caught her, she loves Mickey Mouse ((Mi(3)qi(2) Lou(3)shu(3)). Now if you want to purchase one of these nifty warm hand pillows because you can’t walk down to a Chinese market ,then thank the internet because you can buy it here.

Denny and I striking up a conversation with a night market vendor. She had a lot of questions about the professions in America. My grandma would be happy to know she is a woman in business for herself.

Name an object in your culture that looks silly but makes you smile.

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